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Advancing Latinas into Leadership Mentoring Program (ALLMP)  prides itself to advocate for our mentees and community that we represent. There will be times that ALLMP will have to take action. 

ALLMP Takes Action 

Public Comment Re: DACA

ALLMP submitted a comment to DHS/USCIS and DOJ/EOIR in response to the proposed rule issued by the Departments on September 28, 2021 (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals; CIS No. 2691-21; DHS Docket No. USCIS-2021-0006; RIN 1615-AC64).  ALLMP strongly support USCIS’ intent to preserve DACA through this rulemaking, and urge USCIS to take further step to strengthen these protections, which remain unattainable by too many who do not fit rigid categories implemented nearly a decade ago.

Coalition Statement Fighting for DACA

ALLMP provided a statement to United We Dream


“The Fifth Circuit’s ruling is a disappointment to not only DACA recipients, but to all of America. As an organization that strives to support Latinas and help them prepare for adulthood, this ruling makes it challenging for our youth to go to college, get jobs, and do better in their futures. However, the fight is not over. This case is likely to be heard in the Supreme Court, and we call on the Biden Administration and Congress to secure permanent solutions for DACA recipients. Our government should not give up on our future generation of leaders. Many who have lived in the United States their entire life, for some the only place they know, should not be punished for wanting to succeed in the place we pride ourselves as the land of opportunity, the land of the free, and the American dream.”

Letter to Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer Re: DACA

ALLMP joined a letter organized by the National Immigration Law Center to urge Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Leader Chuck Schumer to prioritize passing permanent protections for immigrant youth and DACA recipients in any end-of-year package.

ALLMP is a part of two campaigns that advocate for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA).
Masa Group-logo.png

#DED4DACA Campaign 



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© Advancing Latinas into Leadership Mentoring Program (ALLMP).

Founded in 2016. 501 (c) 3 Non-profit incorporated. All rights reserved. 2024.

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